I was reading through my Taste of Home magazine and saw an advertisement for a free bag of Rise coffee. I immediately grabbed my phone and visited the website.
I had to pay $1.95 shipping on the bag of ground coffee, but felt it was worth it. You can't buy a bag of coffee for less than $2!
The only thing I didn't like was that I was under the impression I was entering in my info to simply receive a free bag of coffee to try, when I was also being added to roast subscription. After receiving a welcome email, I responded right away explaining that I thought I was simply signing up to try a bag of coffee and the immediately removed me from the subscription. Taste of Home has fantastic customer service.
Now, to the fun stuff...my review of the coffee itself.
The coffee smelled fresh upon opening the bag. I did notice it was not a resealable bag, so I closed it with a clip figuring it won't take me long to drink it anyway.
I made it the same was I do my coffee every morning, using the same amount of coffee to water ratio. It smelled great while brewing!
I added a touch of cinnamon to the grounds prior to brewing as well.
The rich aroma was delightful as I poured my first cup. I added a touch of non-dairy creamer and took a sip. Now, we all know the first sip of coffee in the morning is like heaven... this cup was no different. It had a smooth taste and no bitter aftertaste.
I would definitely buy a bag for full price.
Thank you, Taste of Home for my sample! You can click here for yours: Taste of Home Rise coffee sample
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