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Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Fall Baking Fail: Chocolate and espresso

This is one of my most depressing baking fails. For two reasons: 1, I love chocolate covered espresso beans and 2, it was an expensive fail.

I had the bright idea to make my own chocolate covered espresso beans. I love those things! I can't be hard...just 2 ingredients. WRONG!

I bought good beans and good chocolate (as you can see in the picture). I melted the chocolate and mixed in the beans. I placed them in the fridge and went through the process again to give them a good coating.

They look great, right? WRONG-O!

I tasted one and it was gross. The texture was that of dry ground coffee beans. It was as if the chocolate coating did not even exist. They were dry and bitter and really just gross.

My husband, another chocolate covered espresso bean lover, saw them in the fridge and before I could warn him, he broke off a huge chunk and put it in his MOUTH! At that point all I could do was wait for his reaction. He spit it out in the trash and ran over to the kitchen sink and rinsed his mouth out 3 times! I was wounded. I felt like I failed. And I did.

I'm guessing I need an espresso bean that is not nearly as strong and bold as the ones I chose. I figured the stronger the better, but I know now that is NOT the case.

$16 down the drain....

But, we live and learn! I will try them again one day.

Other baking failures:

Epic cupcake fail

Why a 3 year old can prohibit proper baking

Smoothie gone bad

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