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Tuesday, July 26, 2016

What is your favorite food smell?

Seems like a silly question, right?
While taking an online creative writing course and I was asked to write a poem and a short story about my favorite smell. At first I thought it was the smell of coffee brewing. Then it hit me what my favorite smell really is....dum, dum, dum, duuuuummmmm...
Browned Butter!
Oh, the smell of butter browning in a pan has to be the best smell on the face of the earth!
Here is the corny poem I came up with for the exercise:

The comforting smell of browned butter,
Is there any smell that is better?
To see it bubble in the pan,
Oh, browned butter I am your biggest fan!
Your aroma is perfume to my nose,
Please stay, don't go!
You are so simple, yet so complex,
A joy to my senses none the less.
Oh yes, you are a favorite of mine,
You are a classic till the end of time.

Keep in mind I had to use certain words and it had to be a certain length... I think it is silly, but you get the point, right? I enjoy the smell of browned butter :-)

If you have never really smelled browned butter, it is something you truly must experience in your lifetime!


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